The 9K515 multiple rocket launcher (MRL) is a derivative of the famous Smerch MRL designed to effectively engage motorized infantry, tank, artillery and missile units, including precision-guided weapons (PGW) systems, command and control posts, communication points, air and missile defense, electronic warfare assets, as well as logistics and military-industrial structure facilities deployed in depth.
An improvement in the combat effectiveness of the 9K515 system over the Smerch MRL, with the same weight, size and energy characteristics of the rocket and its warhead, has been achieved through an increase in lift-to-drag ratio of the rocket and its control along the entire flight path. The 9K515 MRL can fire all types of rockets used by the Smerch system. At the same time, guided missiles with a maximum firing range of 120 km have been developed for the 9K515 MRL.
The launch vehicle’s equipment provides independent ground navigation and survey control, automated data exchange with the command and control vehicle, calculation of firing data and flight mission data, preparation of all types of rockets for firing, launch tube cluster laying on the target and laying and launch control around-the-clock year-around. Single, partial or full salvo launches are possible.
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